Monday, September 8, 2014

6 word memoir

In class we read A Memoir is Not an Statues Update by Dani Shapiro, it talks about how technology has changed the way we let other people perceive us; how with social media we can update anything whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, all within 140 characters. A memoir isn't a statues update, it goes beyond "my mother passed away from lung cancer", or "It's a girl!" it goes beyond and tells the story behind the story and more importantly, how it has affected you and your experience of it rather than the event itself; which, is what we tend to write and update in social media. I think social media has really stunted our ability to express in detail and evaluate our feelings, now days we are so use to having to compress our thoughts in to 140 characters that we literlly are losing the ability to write on and on about a certain subject and when we are asked to write more, we are flustered, just as I am right now.
ordinary is boring, be normally insane 
a six word memoir is well... a memoir in six words, short and sweet. out of the couple I came up with in class, this one is my favorite. "ordinary is boring, be normally insane" In a way, I think normal is the real crazy, no one should be normal, how boring it must be to be like everyone else, to think, act among your peers? I remember watching SpongeBob as a kid and this was this episode where Spongebob wanted to be "normal" to he could get Squidward to like him, and the more "normal" he became, the creepier he became as well, and that's when Squidward realized that Spongebob isn't meant to be normal, no one is. Everyone is born unique, and they should embrace that uniqueness; so many people try and hide what makes them different and stand out so they could fit in, but really, how foolish to try and fit in when you're made to stand out? If everyone embraced their differences, there wouldn't be such a craze for normality, everyone would be unique, and insane in their own way, so insanity would become the norm; there fore, normally insane.

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